Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I ate beef.


More to come....

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Pumpkin Lasagna

That's right folks, Pumpkin Lasagna!!! It's so different and fun.
Next up: Lasagna Florentine. Think: Spinach & Hard Boild eggs.
Considering: Asparagus & Cashew stir-fry.
Wish I had a reason to make Cuscous Cuscous salad....
Someday, I will make my very own Veggie Broth to use for soup bases. But not until I turn into a full on domestic diva. Until then, I've got a Master's degree to earn!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Ode to Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate, how I love thee.
Thou darkest features bring light to thy life.
Anti-oxidents are pleasing
Endorphins ever more fulfilling.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

what's in my meat?

Here's an interesting article about animals being fed maintainence antibiotics that is resulting in resistant germs. Mmmmmmmm.

Food for thought.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Yay for Cooking

I have been feeling very guilty for consuming predominantly processed foods by way of veggie burgers & frozen meals based on my fast paced life. However, I was finally able to take an evening to jump start some healthy cooking! The fridge is stocked, and a store pile is started in the freezer, with more to come. This week features, already prepared:
-Stove Top Sweet Potatoe Fries w/ Honey. Ohmyword!!!!! Ok, that wasn't healthy
-Zucchini Garden Chowder.
-Lemon Tofu Stir Fry
-Lemon Walnut Rice Pilaf (unfortunately, this will not freeze)

Still to Come:
-Loaded Chili
-homemade Veggie Burgers
-Famous Black Bean Soup


Soy & Estrogen?

I think that needs to be my new research project. How does soy consumption affect your estrogen levels? Because, honestly that's one of the reasons I've chosen to avoid Chicken & cow's milk: because of the added horomones. But, doesn't soy also affect them? I know for a fact that soy is consumed by menopausal women to help regulate them. Crap, am I back-peddling by consuming silk & soy based proteins?

Holiday Meats

That's right folks! I engaged in the two traditional holiday meats: Turkey for Thanksgiving & the Christmas Ham!!!

Since I made the decision to go Veg for myself, I can make my own rules. And my rules are: Major holidays are off. i LOVE turkey. I wasn't that worried about Christmas, but when I started glazing the ham this year, you better believe that I decided it was worth it to splurge.

And it was. For one day. (ok, 2: Thanksgiving & Christmas).
But, now I'm happy to return to my meat free lifestyle. It makes me feel good. Actually, I feel BETTER. Ahhhhhhh, natural foods.