Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Soy & Estrogen?

I think that needs to be my new research project. How does soy consumption affect your estrogen levels? Because, honestly that's one of the reasons I've chosen to avoid Chicken & cow's milk: because of the added horomones. But, doesn't soy also affect them? I know for a fact that soy is consumed by menopausal women to help regulate them. Crap, am I back-peddling by consuming silk & soy based proteins?


  1. I actually just saw them talk about this on The Doctors. Drinking too much soy milk can really throw your hormones out of whack so it might be best to do some more research on it and see what works best for you. You'd hate to cause your system to go all out of whack!

  2. Erin Ehinger3/9/10 11:04 AM

    They don't use hormones in Chicken or Cow's milk to make them grow more. Farmers used to in cows, but there has been a lot of criticism, so I'm 99% sure that no one uses them any more. Even if they did, they are animals and have some hormones in their bodies, but it isn't enough to affect a person eating them. I'm pretty sure that's what I learned. I know with 100% certainty that pigs are not fed or injected with any hormones at anytime to promote growth.
