Saturday, March 27, 2010

Pumpkin Lasagna

That's right folks, Pumpkin Lasagna!!! It's so different and fun.
Next up: Lasagna Florentine. Think: Spinach & Hard Boild eggs.
Considering: Asparagus & Cashew stir-fry.
Wish I had a reason to make Cuscous Cuscous salad....
Someday, I will make my very own Veggie Broth to use for soup bases. But not until I turn into a full on domestic diva. Until then, I've got a Master's degree to earn!

1 comment:

  1. I just read this pasta recipe in NYT and I can't wait to try it. Maybe you will like it too?
    Grad school seems to breed cooking as a hobby. I think because of the relatively fast gratification and "look what I made" quality, plus you don't feel too bad about it because you have to eat.
