Saturday, August 29, 2009

i want chicken(s)

I want chickens. Of my own. In my yard. Back yard.

In recent months, I've come across people stating they want their own chickens. I've thought to myself: now, isn't that endearing and quirky?

Now I get it.

Today after reflecting upon the amount of egg whites consumed today, not to mention in this past week I realized how many eggs I should be buying. Then I tried to think about the source of these eggs.

But, that's just the problem. I don't know the source.

And for this reason, I want chickens.
I have a fenced in yard. Not to mention a back field that already has horses in it. They'd fit right in. (ooooooh, but as I type this I also hear the coyotes. would that be a problem??) I'm about ready to go out there with a hammer and nails and build a coop of my very own.


1 comment:

  1. I want chickens too! But just as rescues, I would use the eggs to feed the dogs or something (I'm vegan).

    It's not too pricey to build a coop, I helped my friend do it and she got a bunch of recycled lumber cheap from a lumber yard and the Habitat for Humanity Re-Store. There are two windows and a little roosting area, a heat lamp and a little door with a ramp that lets them go outside (there's a fence around the whole thing). With a 6' fence the coyotes don't bother.

    Grocery store eggs, even "free range" ones, are pretty shady. If you're going to eat eggs it's definitely best to have chickens of your own or at least get them from a farm you've visited or a farmer you know personally!
