Thursday, July 23, 2009

Navigating the Theme Parks

Ok, folks, if I can be vegetarian in a theme park - where almost everything seems to be pre-prepared, cafeteria style dining, not catering to special requests - I think I can be vegetarian anywhere!!! (Well, not the Silver Ring Cafe'....)

Teacher friend and I went to Universal Studios today to cash in on our free summer teacher passes. As we started out, it was determined that food was a soon order of the day, and since it was early and much fun was yet to be had, we decided to try to take advantage of the Meal Deal (key word: tried). We bought this nifty little wrist band things for one price that allowed us to eat all day long - but only at three spots. (Not a big deal though, b/c we decided that if we could squeeze in 3 'meals' we'd definitely be getting a bargain).

Walking over to spot #1: Mel's Diner, I became apprehensive. What'll I eat? Drive In-esque Diners don't strike me as the Veggie burger type. Will I eat only Veggie Burgers all day long in the pursuit of survival?? While contemplating, I have to admit that the thought: Well, one or two burgers just this ONE time in this one inconvienent place wouldn't hurt THAT much....

But then came all of the associated thoughts: That is SO against why I'm doing this! What kind of a failure will I be?! If I cave now, I'll never recover. It's over.

So, wary of the food experience I entered Mel's. Scoped out the Menu. No Veggie Burger. Ho Hum. Mentally strategized and decided I could settle for the Grilled Chicken Salad minus chicken even thought it'd probably equal plain lettuce. But, the longer I stood there, the more creative my mind became and I was soon assembling a veggie sandwich out of condiments: extra cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, onion...

So, by the time we made it up to Torrence to place our order, I batted my eyes, smiled sweetly and geared myself up to ask for special treatment. I started out with, "I need some help... I'm a vegetarian..." to which he interrupts me exclaiming "We have Veggie Burgers!"
I think he received the most possibly elated: "oh, you DO!!!!???"
Never in my life was I so happy to order a veggie burger. Mmmm Mmm Mmmmmmmmmmm.

Lupper was at the International Food something or other. I spotted a safe, but not too attractive Tuna Salad that I could handle. And then discovered the Egg Fried Rice and Steamed Vegetables with VEGGIE egg rolls! Score!! So yummy.

We never had room for Dinner (hah, wonder why...) But, alas, we were satisfied and still probably ate our money's worth on those stinkin' wrist bands based upon what they charge for dorm style food in amusement parks.

And so folks. If Stephanie can be Veg at Universal, I dare say that Steph can be Veg almost anywhere!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Lentil Soup - with NO recipe, just some insight from friends, a little field research, and my personal soup knowledge.
It rocks. Although, I used a lot of the same strategies for it as my (personally) famous Black Bean Soup, so it tastes very similar. That isn't a bad thing, but not exactly along the lines of 'shaking it up.' That's Ok, I'm still learning.

So, the lentil soup lives on. The cheese, however, does not. (nor the dark chocolate peanut M&M's. I can't stop myself...) Once I deplete my cheese storage, I'm going to wait a while to replenish. I'm down to my favorite cheese sticks and a few slices of American - which I've figured out a half of slice goes well in the soup. But, these are somewhat needless calories & saturated fat. I'll make up for lost protein by eating egg whites every morning - MINUS the cheese.

I need to cut back. My goal is to get back in to my skinny jeans. This past semester has finally caught up with me, as most semesters do. So, now I need to back-peddle my way out of this situation. I've been working out twice a day and feeling great. Minus the need to grib something for stability when sitting or rising.
I'm going to go take a bonus Glucosomine & some ibuprophen...

And I think I'm going to bite the bullet and weigh myself in the morning. Yeeeeesh.

Monday, July 20, 2009


I heart Mexican. Love, Love, LOVE it.
And, it's the easiest way that I've found to eat Vegetarian - especially if eating out.

I have eaten LOTS of Mexican these past few days. Every lunch & dinner for days and days. I still have just a little Chili's Veggie Fajita's left over in the fridge. And then, that's it. I'm cutting myself off. No more Mexican. For at least... a week. Seriously folks, I need some new stuff.

So, I think tomorrow I am going to attempt creativity with my Lentils. I'm ok with doing a soup since it's been a while since my last soup kick and I don't have enough gumption to try the meatloaf or burger recipes just yet; too involved. I did find some vegetarian Lentil Soup recipes online, but a lot of them called for one or two ingrediants that I don't have in the house right now. So, I think I'm just going to wing it. Not always the best idea, but hey, maybe it'll be a learning experience.

This is what I have in my head for it so far:
Lentils (duh)
Veggie Broth
Bay Leaf(s)

What else? I'm bad at knowing how to combine seasonings. Plus, I'm just not sure what the most complimentary seasonings are for Lentils. Come on, they're lentils!!!

My only dilemma with this plan is the fact that this evening I discovered quite the little stock of mushrooms and bell peppers in my Produce Drawer.
But seriously, No more veggie fajitas, tacos, quesadilla's, or bean/rice concoctions. I just can't do it anymore!!! (although, it's always a good excuse for cheese!!!!)

Definitely trying out the Lentils. Yee-ha.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Just because cheese pizza doesn't have meat on it doesn't mean I should eat it.
Grumble, grumble, grumble...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I've been thinking.
All of this self-improvement has me wondering, why am I doing this? This has been cooking under the surface for some time, but smacked me in the face Sunday during service. Instead of reciting the Apostle's Creed (which we sang earlier), we recited 1 Corinthians 13 before Communion. We've been spending considerable time looking at Christian Love and examining what this means - and this chapter is by no means unfamiliar to anyone who has spent a length of time in any church.

But it hit me, 13:8 - Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away.

Why do I do what I do? Why do I kill myself to earn a Master's degree? Listen to NPR? Read CNN? Educate myself on dangers associated with foods? Why do I work so hard to be a better person???? Because, if I'm doing this all for me - or even worse, for the world - it's worthless. It is of No Eternal Value. It will die when I die. Albeit I may die old with fantastic skin and lots of stories (or get hit on the head next week by a flaming toilet seat). But what does it matter?

The magic question is: Am I glorifying God with my life? How is my quest to be the best person that I can be Loving Others as Christ would love them?

How does one reconcile self-improvement with dying to oneself?

I Corinthians 6:19-20 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

Psalm 82:5 They have neither knowledge nor understanding,
they walk about in darkness;
all the foundations of the earth are shaken.

Luke 8:13-14 But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, a sinner!’ I tell you, this man went down to his house justified, rather than the other. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.”

James 4:6 & 10 But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.

*A final thought to ponder: I can do nothing to save myself. I have broken God's design for me and rely solely on Him. Anything I try to do on my own for my own sake will be a vain effort ending in frustration, emptiness, or disappointment.

So, Jesus, I need You. Even when (no, especially when) I act or think like I've got myself all under control, I need you. Help me to bring you glory through my life.

I Don't Miss Meat

This doesn't mean I'll never miss meat. I just don't miss it right now. Woo!

I love eating food and not feeling bleh afterwards from that heaviness that sits in your stomach.

I love that Kashi meals & pizza were 50% off at Publix and I saved over $24 dollars on them today! And I love that they are easily labeled as Vegetarian!

I love beans. Oh wait, I've already told you that.

I love, love, love Veggie subs from Publix.

As of right now, I love being Vegetarian.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Current FAQ's

How do you get protein?
Easy. Beans - i LOVE beans. Whole grains. Soy. Cheese. Egg whites. Fish, occasionally.

Is it hard?
Actually, it's much easier than I anticipated. Maybe it's my hectic lifestyle that requires I prepare food in advance and eat meals without second thought some days. Also, a great deal of my life has been rather vegetarian. I appreciate vegetarian. It's yummy. And I'm learning that Veg is possible in most restaurants (NOT Sliver Ring...)

Are you doing this because your best friend is Veg?
Are you doing this because it's trendy?

-Yes my good friend got me to consider it; however, she has been vegetarian the entire time we've been friends. I've seen her navigate this lifestyle, realizing it can be practical if thought out. But, I don't make decisions simply because she makes the suggestion.
-I didn't realize Veg was trendy. So far, this has actually been a rather unpopular decision in my camp. I didn't realize how much of a stir this would cause.

This is a decision I've made for myself: For my health, and for what I can do for the environment.

Friday, July 10, 2009

please don't judge me

i just ate two donuts.

I never eat donuts. But, they were glazed donuts. I LOVE glazed donuts. Just ask my mom. She used to get us donuts at Huizenga's or the Zeeland Bakery occasionally; I always skipped over the sprinkles for that creamy sugary glazed-ness goodness.

And now I feel amazing. Seriously. Is it possible I was on a sugar low? I was for sure on a Caffeine crash. Dinner is looking to be stir-fried veggies. Oh well, it was well worth the price. Crap, maybe I better go for a jog as well.

What do you think the Protein content is on Donuts?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

a new friend

Emily thinks I'm awesome.

And we're going to be friends. She just doesn't know it yet.


Just because I look new to your spin class and my ass & hips are bigger than yours (unfortunately not my boobs), you do not need to compliment me on "killing it".

How the hell would YOU know anyways? You were sitting IN FRONT of me.

As a matter of fact, I could have gone much faster on the speed track.
Bite me.

so far, I LOVE

* Black Beans. Black Beans make everything better.
* Adobo is a fantastic seasoning. Cheap in the Mexican spice section.
* Kabobs are my favorite summer time food.
* I LOVE Tahini Hummus. Especially with pretzels although carrots are healthier.
* Shrimp Fajita's at Tapa Tio's. Preferably shared with a good friend & lots of guac.
* Breakfast Burrito's.
* Boca's Chick-in patties. Now I can enjoy a 'chicken' patty without being grossed out by the scrap meat particles pressed together to pretend to be a wholesome piece of something.
* Cheese. I will always love cheese.
* Soy milk. Used to weird me out a little. Now, I like.
* Dark Chocolate. Wait, this isn't new. Oh well.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Inspiration Needed


I have an entire bag of Lentils. They seemed like such a good idea while wandering through the ethnic ailse at Publix. Now they are staring at me from inside my kitchen cupboard. I'm a little over the soup thing at the moment, having subsisted off of Black Bean or White Bean soup for the past couple weeks. Don't get me wrong, I love the stuff - just need a change.

So, any ideas? Do you think I could attempt cooking them in my Rice Cooker? Generally when I attach the word 'attempt' to anything I want to do in the kitchen, the results are less than stunning.

Stir fry? Rice?? Adobo???

Sunday, July 5, 2009

In Addition...

In addition to making the switch for my health, I am also well aware that this decision has a positive impact on the environment. I have made a conscious effort this past year to consume less animal products for this reason.

Check out how just a small occasional change in your diet can have global impact.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

a Vegetarian is born.

I would say that the last six years or so have been a personal quest for health. I would have never guessed that this is how things would turn out. Never the less, I find myself in the land of Vegetarian. It has been a long journey, with many changes taking place here or there. The most recent and most significant is my choice to cut out meat from my diet - minus fish and egg (whites, mostly).

The culminating event took place this spring. My friend & I decided to do a Raw Food diet for One Week. Motivators for this included: Linzy thought it sounded fun, I needed to jump start my body back into healthy habits, we had heard about great benefits of this, and yes I hate to admit - I saw Dr. Oz do a story about it on Oprah. I lasted the longest - 5 full days.

This brought about many positive results: Day 3 I bought a Food Processor. A very pretty very powerful one. I was in love. Day 5 I purchased a Rice Cooker - this was my first cooked food. I was so happy. I dropped a few pounds. And, I reveled feeling healthy once again for the first time in months. This healthy food thing is no joke. I had resolved to live a much more natural lifestyle.

In conversation regarding this, my good (vegetarian) friend slipped this into an email: P.S. Are you sure you don't want to be a vegetarian? It's fun. :) And the thing I love the most about being a vegetarian is that it makes me very conscious and thoughtful about what I eat. I don't just put anything into my mouth. And that helps you learn to exercise discipline in other areas, too.

My immediate reaction? Very Very good point, BUT I can't live without meat! I was raised on Meat & Potatoes! Don't you realize that's how the Dutch eat? What about Thanksgiving? What about family dinners? It can't be done.

So, I thought about it and conceded that I could live a PERSONAL veg lifestyle - I never buy or cook meat for myself anyways (it's too expensive and too much of a hassle for one person). However, I was very wary of working this out in other arenas of my life, but decided to start experimenting with such just to see what happens.

So, I signed up for the PETA's Vegetarian Starter Kit (so much for a kit, all I got was a stinkin' magazine, although it did have some good health tips was overall anti-climatic) and began my phase of Vegetarian Experimentation.

I am currently approximately one month in. I have not (voluntarily- story involved here) eaten meat for a few weeks now; I've honestly lost track - which I consider a positive thing. I still maintain that this is a transition time for me and am not sure where this will take me. However, I also do not forsee revoking this decision any time soon.

Join me on my journey of learning what it's like to be Vegetarian.