Monday, July 6, 2009

Inspiration Needed


I have an entire bag of Lentils. They seemed like such a good idea while wandering through the ethnic ailse at Publix. Now they are staring at me from inside my kitchen cupboard. I'm a little over the soup thing at the moment, having subsisted off of Black Bean or White Bean soup for the past couple weeks. Don't get me wrong, I love the stuff - just need a change.

So, any ideas? Do you think I could attempt cooking them in my Rice Cooker? Generally when I attach the word 'attempt' to anything I want to do in the kitchen, the results are less than stunning.

Stir fry? Rice?? Adobo???


  1. the only thing I know how to make with lentils is soup (but I do have a comforting vegan recipe with rosemary that is great for winter). I've seen them cooked in a rice cooker though. I suggest searching a site like for something to try.

  2. I'll check with Joel on this one. I know he made something with lentils before, but it may be like a soup or stew. I wasn't a huge fan, but that doesn't mean you wouldn't be. :) I'll get back to you.

  3. I haven't had good luck with lentils in the rice cooker, but maybe I'm not doing it right. I put lentils in my shepherd's pie, though, and sometimes mix them with quinoa and veggies for a chilled salad. Lentil burgers are also amazing. probably has recipes.
