Friday, July 10, 2009

please don't judge me

i just ate two donuts.

I never eat donuts. But, they were glazed donuts. I LOVE glazed donuts. Just ask my mom. She used to get us donuts at Huizenga's or the Zeeland Bakery occasionally; I always skipped over the sprinkles for that creamy sugary glazed-ness goodness.

And now I feel amazing. Seriously. Is it possible I was on a sugar low? I was for sure on a Caffeine crash. Dinner is looking to be stir-fried veggies. Oh well, it was well worth the price. Crap, maybe I better go for a jog as well.

What do you think the Protein content is on Donuts?


  1. I'm so ashamed.
    I'm considering revoking this posting. But alas, I guess this is part of it...

    At least it wasn't a steak, right? ;)

  2. Steph, I think it is okay to splurge once in awhile. One glazed donut is okay--it is if you eat the entire box or one every morning for breakfast. Just because you eat one or splurge on something that may not be healthy does not mean you aren't trying to live a healthy lifestyle overall and with that you should not be ashamed.

  3. okay I missed the two part and I know you will call me out on that and yourself. But like I said--you didn't eat a whole box and you don't have one each morning. :)

  4. One donut actually has less calories than one bagel.

    Not so sure about two.

    Just kidding! I bet they were tasty. Where were they from, Publix? Everyone always raves about Krispy Kreme, but I'm telling you what, I think Publix has the best.

  5. OK, and now I feel I should confess: I ate a donut that changed my life when I was in Ft. Myers with the AT last weekend. It was a homemade donut at a coffee place called Bennett's. HOME freakin' made. From scratch. And hot from the oven.

    It was so good that I was heard muttering with a full mouth, "E, I'm leaving for you for the donut."
